Overall Health Observations: All of my cats have been to the vet at least once--for their scan. While our cats and kittens are generally healthy, we have experienced all the following problems at one time or another and we will share our observations.

Immunisations: We vaccinate against feline distemper (panleukopenia), rhinotrachetitis, calicivirus and pneumonitis (chlamydia) at eight weeks and twelve weeks. The kitties will need yearly booster shots for the rest of their lives. When you get a HimmyCats feline, you will also get an immunisation record.
We do NOT vaccinate for FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) and we do NOT recommend it.

An Ounce of Prevention: We strongly recommend that you keep your kitten or cat indoors at all times. With cars, pesticides, poisonous plants and other animals and their diseases outside, it's just not safe. These cats were bred to sit on pillows and purr, not hunt.

Parasites: Test your kitten for parasites occasionally by taking a stool sample to your vet. We treat all our felines for parasites and we have found some vaccines do not work as well as others. Also parasites are easily picked up and can be very serious. You should take a stool sample with you when you have your adult's yearly immunizations.

Diarrhea: Diarrhea can be life-threatening, especially for a KITTEN, so a vet should be consulted immediately. For a CAT, a bland diet and a 1/4 teaspoon of KAOPECTATE might correct the problem. If it doesn't, the cat should be taken to the vet.

Respiratory Infections: Because of the rearranging of the nasal cavities by breeding "typey" cats, some felines have more respiratory problems than others. Signs of an infection are sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge and watery eyes. If the cat is eating well, just watch it. If it loses its appetite, it should be taken to a veterinarian. We have found Zithromax is effective in treating respiratory infections.

Eye Discharge: Again, some cats are more prone to eye discharge than others. At least on flame and cream points, the discharge is more noticeable. A brownish discharge is normal. If you ate brown food, you would have a brown discharge from your eyes, too, possibly. The eyes should be cleaned with warm water or an eye cleaner on a wash cloth daily.

That Dreaded Fungus: Cats carry fungus (ringworm). Some break out during times of stress. It is very contagious and can be contracted from or given to other cats. It can also be passed to humans. We have found Sporonox gets rid of it very effectively and quickly. Ask your vet for Sporonox and, yes, it's expensive, but it works.

Ear Mites: A cat's ears should be cleaned on a regular basis with a Q-Tip. If you see a black, thick substance inside the ears, your cat might have ear mites. They are easily gotten rid of by medicine the vet can give you. If untreated, ear mites can cause your kitty serious problems.

Fleas Begone: Fleas are no longer a problem with products like Revolution. Just a dap and your cat's good to go. You can check for fleas by looking for dark flecks (flea droppings) in your cat's coat.

Cat Toys: Please be cautious about the toys you offer your kitties. We recommend getting those cheap plastic Kinder Easter eggs, opening them up, and putting a few beans in them, then closing them back up. The kitties will roll those all over the room and they are big enough that they won't harm the kitty. Kitties do like balls.




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