Bathing your baby Himmy regularly (at least monthly) is recommended. This not only keeps baby Himmy clean and fresh, but it helps with shedding by eliminating dead hair and it keeps the coat healthy. And, of course, baby Himmy won’t think you did it right and he/she will immediately “re wash”. HA! Since our baby Himmies are bathed regularly, they are used to baths, although they may go through a stage where they object a little. Be firm and persistent.

We recommend All Systems shampoo & Conditioners, which can be purchased via the internet at MJM Company. Greasy Oil Petroleum jelly can be used in parts like the back of a male, just right before the tail if your cat is greasy , but do not forget after to thoroughly rinse with water and wash again with no-tears baby shampoo. Bear in mind though as they are a little harder on the coat. Be careful about using people shampoo that contains additives because baby Himmy cleans himself and will lick and ingest the additives. Supplies needed: To bath baby Himmy you will need a large towel, a wash cloth, shampoo and conditioner, Q-Tips, cotton balls and a hair dryer. If you have a baby Himmy porter, this, too, will come in handy.

Begin the Bath:

1. Before wetting the hair, comb out kitty using a wide-toothed steel comb (also called a greyhound comb), making sure to get out all mats (hairs tangle that form balls and knots). It is impossible to wet, shampoo and rinse mats. Particular attention should be paid to the hair behind the ears, in the ruff (around the neck) and the hair in between and around the legs. If mats exist, try pulling the hairs apart with your fingers. If this doesn't’t work, a seam ripper (used in sewing) can cut through the hairs until the mat can be combed out. If baby Himmy has an excessive amount of mats, he/she/it should probably be taken to a groomer and shaved down because mats pull on the skin and cause discomfort to your baby Himmy.

2. Put cotton balls in baby Himmy’s ears to prevent water from getting in them.

3. Wet down the cat using very warm water. Human body temperatures are about 98.6 degrees, but baby Himmy’s are about 102 degrees, so the water should be very warm, so kitty doesn't’t chill.

4. Shampoo thoroughly using the product of your choice. Apply shampoo to the entire coat and work in well, down to the skin.

5. Rinse, rinse, rinse until there are no suds at all. This is the key to that silky coat.

6. Shampoo thoroughly again. Also take the washcloth with clear water and wash the cat’s face.

7. Rinse, rinse, rinse and then rinse again.

8. Apply a small amount of diluted conditioner sparingly (1 teaspoon to two cups water), and work in. Leave it on for a minute or so.

9. Rinse, rinse, rinse and then rinse again.

10. Remove baby Himmy from sink or tub, squeeze out the water with your hands and wrap the poor tortured animal in the towel. Remove cotton balls from ears.

Clipping the nails: While you have baby Himmy wrapped in a towel, clip those nails. Nail clippers can be purchased at any pet store. They have little round ends. Only clip the very tips of the nails (the white part). baby Himmy will probably object (some more than others), but this is like our trimming our nails and it does not hurt baby Himmy. It will save furniture, however.

Cleaning the ears: This is also a good time to clean baby Himmy’s ears with a Q-Tip, making sure not to get inside the ear canal. Fold back the ears and gently wipe the ear including the folds where wax might build up. Check to see if there is a black, thick or crusty looking substance. If there is, you might check with your vet for the possibility of ear mites.

Drying and Styling: Comb out baby Himmy while he/she’s still wet. Set the dryer on low cool or the coolest setting possible. If you’re holding the dryer, start from the bottom (tummy and legs) and work up each side, then the back and finally the tail. Comb and dry hair the opposite way it lays, if you want more fluff. It is much easier if you have a pet porter and prop the dryer up to point into the carrier door. Remember set on the lowest setting. Don't bake your baby Himmy.

Daily Coat Care: We recommend combing your baby Himmy daily to avoid matting and minimize shedding. If your baby Himmy is not a show cat, you might clip the hair near the rear-end. Some owners choose to get a “poodle” cut during the summer months; however, the hair may grow back in a darker shade. Shaving will speed up the darkening process.




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