Terms and Conditions in purchasing a Himmy from HimmyCats


  1. Purchaser has 48 hours in which to decide if this cat will suit his/her breeding program needs. During this time the cat is to be maintained in an isolation area within the purchaser's household away from all other cats/kittens. Cat should be evaluated and checked by veterinarian of purchaser's choice. If, during this 48 hour period, purchaser finds it necessary to return the cat to the seller, a refund will be issued (only if sold in Malta), if cat is returned in satisfactory shape.
  2. All costs for preparation and shipping to the buyer shall be the sole responsibility of the buyer.
    • Cat must be maintained within the household of purchaser at all times and may not be loaned, leased, gifted or traded at any time.
    • Cat may not be resold at any time unless spayed or neutered first unless buyer contacts seller and seller agrees the perspective buyer will offer cat a suitable home. If seller approves that cat can be sold with breeding rights, the cat must be sold under a similar contract for the amount buyer paid for the cat.
    • Before purchaser may spay or neuter and sell cat to another, it must be offered back to seller, intact for breeding purposes, for no more than purchase price.
    •This cat and any offspring may not under any circumstances be sold, leased and/or given to any pet shop, research laboratory, any and all similar facilities engaged in the business of animals.
  4. Seller guarantees the health of the cat upon delivery.
  5. The seller prefers that the buyer never declaws this cat and understands that declawing is a mutilation and a cruelty that is likely to alter the cat's temperament and health.
  6. If the cat should die from a problem believed present prior to sale, purchaser must notify seller and pack the cat in ice immediately. The cat must be returned to seller for a complete feline necropsy report performed by seller's veterinarian, supported with lab findings indicating the cause of death. Based upon lab finds, which will be provided to purchaser, seller may replace the cat when one becomes available. Seller will not issue a cash refund (only if cat is shipped).
  7. The cat purchased is guaranteed as breeder: The female must be bred after the 3rd heat even if she is under one year of age. The female cat is guaranteed to produce a litter after being bred to a proven male. If she has not produced a litter by the age of three (3) years, after being bred a minimum of three (3) times to a proven male, a female kitten of comparable quality will be provided when available. If the kitten/cat is certified sterile before the age of three by a licensed veterinarian, appropriate paperwork and the cat must be sent to seller and a female kitten of comparable quality will be provided when available. Seller will pay for shipment of cat.
  8. After the female has produced a minimum of two litters, seller has the right to lease the female free of charge and bring her to seller's house for one litter to breed her to a HimmyCats Cattery male. Kittens from the litter will belong to seller and will be HimmCats Cattery kittens. (Seller pays for transportation, if it's the case of places outside Malta)
  9. Failure to honor any part of this contract shall result in the penaty of one-half (1/2) purchase price, payable to the seller of the cat. All fees and court costs necessary to enforce this contract will be the obligation of the purchaser, including all of those incurred by seller.)



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